a timely topic

Working Remotely

Rusty Alderson
3 min readJan 28, 2022
Telecommuting: Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. — Aristotle

Why are so many companies still balking at the opportunity to help the planet, and put money in their employees pockets? — R. Alderson, 2012 blog post

From My Blog in 2012

Even when a gallon of gasoline was under a dollar, telecommuting made sense. Now that it’s several times that, it’s a no-brainer. Many people find it increasingly difficult to pay for that hour-long commute. Telecommuting (at least part of the time) could help alleviate fuel expenses, and drive down the consumption of fossil fuels — two outstanding benefits which argue for working from home.

Employers need to understand how important this concept is for a healthy and sustainable environment, as well as for the economic viability of their employees. Establishing a telecommuting program and policy would be a win-win-win situation. The environment would get a respite from the tyranny of hydrocarbons, the employees would get a break for their pocket books, and the employer would almost certainly find that employee morale has improved, and productivity has increased.

Yes, studies have shown that employees who are allowed to telecommute often raise their output. This is partly due to the extra time saved by not having to drive…



Rusty Alderson

Retired technologist — eschewing cubicles; habitual observer; perpetual student; philosopher; poet; essayist; advocate for nature and wilderness.