haiku medley

Nature’s Bounty

Image by travelspot from Pixabay

“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.” — Zeno (335 BC — 264 BC)

Planting vegetables
An act quite spiritual
Bounteous Nature

Flowers are pretty
But seem somehow frivolous
Self-indulgent tokes

Gardens of produce
Embody a connection
To Nature’s spirit

They feed our bodies
And nurture our wanting souls
Harvested goodness

Man has glorified
A bountiful harvest time
For millennia

Today we maintain
That tradition glorified
By our humble words

This haiku medley was inspired by Dennett’s prompt, Nature’s Bounty:

©️ 2021, Rusty Alderson



Rusty Alderson

Retired technologist — eschewing cubicles; habitual observer; perpetual student; philosopher; poet; essayist; advocate for nature and wilderness.